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Upper Delaware Council Awards New Technical Assistance Grants
NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) voted Oct. 4 to award $11,387 through its Fiscal Year 2019 Technical Assistance Grants (TAG) program.
That brings the cumulative amount that the UDC has provided to its member municipalities since 1988 to approximately $868,575. In all, 253 projects have been funded.
Approved for new funding were:
• Shohola Township – $5,000 to review areas of Shohola Township’s Zoning Ordinance #79 that need clarification and to incorporate any new or unanticipated uses into the 2016 ordinance through an amendment process;
• Town of Tusten – $5,000 to license, install, and implement the BoardDocs Document Management System electronic municipal organizer/planner software with continuous training to assist with paperless governance;
• Town of Lumberland – $787 to create and print 2,000 copies of a “Guide to Permits” step-by-step brochure in which the Town of Lumberland Building Department will offer answers to frequently asked questions to benefit present and prospective property owners;
• Berlin Township – $600 to create and print 1,000 copies an informational brochure about Berlin Township, its departments and officials, and its role as a member of the UDC.
One Fiscal Year 2018 TAG project by Damascus Township with a $5,583.33 award was granted an extension to Dec. 31, 2018 to complete an update of the Township’s Comprehensive Plan, while the Town of Tusten successfully closed out its $6,000 FY 2018 TAG project to Codify Local Laws and Ordinances (Phase II) by the Aug. 24, 2018 deadline.
Mid-term progress reports for the FY 2019 grants will be due by March 1, 2019. The deadline for municipalities to complete their projects and submit their documentation for reimbursement is August 30, 2019.
Proposals for projects that directly related to land use planning, zoning revisions, comprehensive and master plan updates, codification of local laws, and Geographic Information Systems planning were solicited by August 31.
A special meeting of the Project Review Committee took place on Sept. 11 to interview applicants and recommend awards to the full Council.
Technical Assistance Grants are available for non-construction projects that support the goals of the River Management Plan for the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River as conducted by the UDC’s eight member New York towns, five Pennsylvania townships, and their encompassing five river corridor counties. Buckingham and Manchester Townships in Wayne County, PA would be eligible to receive this member benefit if they joined the UDC.
To access a directory of the UDC’s Technical Assistance Grants from 1988-2018, review program guidelines, and download forms, visit
Please contact UDC Resource Specialist Pete Golod at (845) 252-3022 or with any questions about the TAG program.