Project Review Workbook
The Upper Delaware Council’s updated 2020 Project Review Workbook is the main document used to perform substantial conformance and project review for member towns.
Outlined is the process and procedure for review to ensure development remains consistent with the intent of the River Management Plan, Land and Water Use Guidelines and the Upper Delaware Legislation.
Project Review Checklist & Cover Forms
As the first step in the project review process, municipalities are requested to submit a complete application for a challenge or variance that is occurring within the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River corridor boundary, along with a completed cover form, to the Upper Delaware Council (for UDC member towns and townships) or the National Park Service (for non-UDC member towns and townships).
Section II:
Section II : Reviewing Challenges and Variances Checklist (PDF) »
This checklist is a helpful tool for municipalities to determine whether or not a project will need to be reviewed by the UDC or NPS.
Section II : Reviewing Challenges and Variances Cover Form (PDF) »
After filling out the checklist, complete this cover form to submit along with the project application. This cover form helps UDC staff to get an overview of the proposed project. It can be submitted electronically to, by mail to P.O. Box 192, Narrowsburg, NY 12764, or in person at 211 Bridge Street, Narrowsburg, NY 12764.
Section III:
Municipalities and other government agencies will use the checklists below to determine whether the application is for a development within the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River corridor boundary that is subject to review by the Upper Delaware Council and/or the National Park Service.
Section III : Reviewing Significant Projects Checklist (PDF) »
This set of three checklists will help municipalities and applicants begin the review process for Significant Projects. Checklist I helps determine whether or not the project requires review, while Checklists II and III determine whether the proposed project is a Class I or Class II Project.
Section III : Reviewing Significant Project Cover Form (PDF) »
After filling out the above checklists and determining what type of project you’re submitting, complete this cover form to submit along with the project application. This cover form helps UDC staff to get an overview of the proposed project. It can be submitted electronically to, by mail to P.O. Box 192, Narrowsburg, NY 12764, or in person at 211 Bridge Street, Narrowsburg, NY 12764.
If you need any assistance in completing the forms or are unsure of where to start, contact Kerry Engelhardt, UDC Resources and Land Use Specialist at (845) 252-3022 or at
The main stem of the Delaware River extends 330 miles from the confluence of its East and West Branches near Hancock, NY to the mouth of the Delaware Bay. While almost 7% of the nation’s population relies on the Delaware Basin’s waters for drinking and industrial use, the watershed drains only 0.4% of the continental U.S. land area. In all, the basin comprises 13,539 square miles, including portions of Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.