The Upper Delaware Council, Inc. employs three full-time staff members who carry out the policies and projects set by the non-profit organization’s board of municipal representatives.
Please e-mail specific inquiries to the appropriate Staff Member:
Laurie Ramie Executive Director / Public Relations /
Fundraising Specialist / Newsletter Editor
Kerry Engelhardt, P.E. Resources and Land Use Specialist
Stephanie Driscoll Administrative Support
Mailing Address
Upper Delaware Council
211 Bridge Street
P.O. Box 192
Narrowsburg, NY 12764-0192
Phone: (845) 252-3022
Fax: (845) 252-3359
Submit for General Questions, Comments or Publication Requests.
If you are requesting information to be mailed please fill out the asterisk* areas.
Since 1988, the Upper Delaware Council has awarded a cumulative $868,575 to member municipalities through its Technical Assistance Grant program to carry out 253 projects related to implementation of the River Management Plan for the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River.