Upper Delaware Council
The Upper Delaware Council, Inc. (UDC) was established in 1988 as a formal partnership of local, state, and federal governments and agencies which have joined together to manage the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River, a true national treasure.
Upper Delaware River t-shirts and Big Eddy Narrows Posters Benefit UDC
NARROWSBURG – T-shirts featuring a map of the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River Valley in New York & Pennsylvania and the Upper Delaware Council’s (UDC) Land-Water-People partnership logo offer an attractive, affordable gift for river enthusiasts during the holiday…
DRBC Calls Drought Hearing for the Delaware River Basin
Urges Efficient Water Use and Public Cooperation With State-Issued Alerts WEST TRENTON, N.J. (November 6) – Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) Executive Director Steve Tambini today announced a special hearing to be held on November 19 at 1:30 p.m. for…
Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River Corridor
Upper Delaware Council
211 Bridge Street • P.O. Box 192
Narrowsburg, NY 12764-0192
The National Park Service Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River’s 24-Hour Dispatch number is 570-426-2457
Grant Program
Enables local governments to develop projects that support the River Management Plan.
2024 UDC Board
UDC Meeting
The Council and its three committees gather monthly. View the meeting schedule.
UDC T-shirts for $15 Donation
Available now for all river and daily activities, royal blue t-shirts with featuring a white UDC Land-Water-People partnership logo on the front and a map of the New York-Pennsylvania river valley on the backside.
These 50/50 Jerzee heavyweight cotton blend t-shirts are available in all adult sizes for a $15 donation to support the non-profit UDC's mission to conserve the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River.
Order Now: Call 845-252-3022, email stephanie@upperdelawarecouncil.org, or stop by the office. Payment must be by either check or exact cash; credit cards are not accepted. If requesting shipping, please add $2.50 per shirt to cover postage. Read more details >>