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UDC State Grant Improves Park in Town of Hancock
NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) presented a check for $8,125 to the Town of Hancock on October 7 representing its share of a $75,000 Community Projects State Grant funding program that Senator John J. Bonacic secured for the UDC’s eight New York State member towns in the FY 2008-2009 budget.
The grant enabled further improvements to be made at the town’s former gravel pit which has been transformed into the Town of Hancock Memorial Park located on Readburn Road.
The town purchased a tractor with a 60-inch mower deck and a front end loader bucket for landscaping purposes; the bases, home plate, and spiked pitching rubber for the softball field; and a 50-amp electrical panel with outlets and lights for installation at the park’s storage shed.
Vendors included Walton Farm Supply of Walton, NY; BSN Sports Supply Group of Dallas, TX; Bisbee Lumber Co. of Hancock, NY; and electrician Greg Gill of Hancock, who donated his labor for the
project. Volunteers assembled and anchored the park’s new picnic tables in concrete, among contributing other services.
The town expended a total of $12,571.82 from May to July 2009. The park is being actively used this fall by Hancock Youth Football and the ASL Youth Soccer Program.
From FY 2000 through this grant round, Senator Bonacic has secured $365,000 for Upper Delaware River Valley town projects that promote tourism, improve town-owned facilities, or enhance river access
through contracts administered by the UDC and the New York State Department of Economic Development.