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UDC Committee Seeks Advisory Members for Water Use and Resource Management Issues
NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council’s Water Use/Resource Management (WU/RM) Committee would like to recruit non-voting, advisory members to provide guidance on issues that regularly come before it.
Please submit letters of interest by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, June 12, 2012.
The WU/RM Committee is responsible for supervising the Council’s work regarding recreation issues, water resources management, natural and cultural resources,fish and wildlife, unique land resources, threatened and endangered species, economic development and tourism, and pollution control and abatement.
The committee also reviews the development of facilities called for in the River Management Plan for the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River.
There are currently six voting members of the WU/RM Committee who are each the appointed Upper Delaware Council (UDC) representative or alternate for their New York town or Pennsylvania township.
Town of Tusten, NY UDC Alternate Tony Ritter chairs the committee. Public advisory participants that could offer technical expertise on the diverse subjects that are under the WU/RM Committee’s purview would help assure that a broad point of view is represented in considering complex issues.
The individuals will represent their organizations or interest groups in a non-voting capacity. Regular attendance at the WU/RM Committee’s meetings held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the UDC office in Narrowsburg, NY is welcome but not mandatory.
Approved advisory members’ names and specialties will be maintained on a committee list to be contacted when special issues arise for which they could provide insight. They will receive advance agendas when possible and the minutes from each WU/RM meeting to stay current on the committee’s actions and discussions.
Representatives from Upper Delaware River Valley heritage, fishing, hunting, conservation and wildlife organizations, river safety groups, livery and boating associations, law enforcement agencies, river recreation promoters, and land use planners are examples of individuals that the WU/RM Committee is particularly interested in soliciting.
Anyone who would like to be considered as a UDC WU/RM Committee non-voting advisory member is asked to submit a letter of interest addressed to Chairperson Tony Ritter outlining his or her background in a relevant subject area and providing contact information.
Letters may be sent by mail to: UDC, P.O. Box 192, Narrowsburg, NY 12764; dropped off at the office located at 211 Bridge Street; faxed to (845) 252-3359; or e-mailed to For more information, please call (845) 252-3022.