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Ten Mile River Access Closed to Trailered Boat Launching Beginning this Season
Beach Lake, PA – Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River is announcing that, beginning this recreation season, the Ten Mile River Access will be closed to trailered boat launching and retrieval. When the site opens to the public this year, the access will be open for hand launching and retrieval only. Ten Mile River Access, on Crawford Road in the Town of Tusten, is owned by Greater New York Councils, Boy Scouts of America, and is leased by Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River in order to provide public access to the river.
The closure is in response to muddy conditions that are encountered regularly at the access, particularly early in the boating season and during high water years. Because of the site’s location in a depositional area of the river, deep silt has naturally accumulated in the launch area over a period of many years. When the river is high and rains are frequent, the silt remains soft and muddy with new depositional events. The access is not conducive to use by trailered boats and was originally envisioned as a river rest stop – an area where paddlers can make a short-term layover for informal picnicking, sanitary facilities and a break from paddling.
The decision to officially close the site to trailered boat launching and retrieval was made in conjunction with Boy Scouts of America. Other options discussed were not considered feasible, due to river conditions at this location. The change is reflected in the Upper Delaware Superintendent’s Compendium and will appear in the next printing of the park’s map and guide. State highway signage installed last summer by NYSDOT on Route 97 indicates the site’s status as a hand carry access.
In a typical year, the access is staffed with interpretive rangers during the summer season, who can educate users about permitted use of the access and its naturally silty condition. National Park Service rangers will monitor the public’s adherence to these guidelines.
Ten Mile River Access is located near River Mile 284. The closest public hard surface launches are Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission’s Access on Scenic Drive in Lackawaxen (near River Mile 277.5) and Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission’s Darbytown Access on PA Route 652 in Damascus Township (near River Mile 289.5).
The National Park Service (NPS) is working with the federal, state, and local authorities to closely monitor the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. Updates will be provided on Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River’s website and social media channels when an opening date for the Ten Mile River Access is established.