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Reserve for UDC Awards by April 19
NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council, Inc. (UDC) is accepting reservations for its 25th Annual Awards Ceremony through Friday, April 19. The banquet will take place on Sunday, April 28, at The
Lackawaxen Inn, 188 Scenic Drive, Lackawaxen, PA.
Tickets are $27. A reception with hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar begins at 3 p.m., during which guests may view a UDC silver anniversary photo retrospective and enjoy the Inn’s deck overlooking the Roebling Bridge and Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River.
An extensive buffet dinner will be served at 4 p.m. Historian George J. Fluhr of Shohola, PA will offer an address, “UDC: A Quarter-Century of Partnership”, at 5 p.m. prior to the presentation of awardsto 10 individuals, groups, and projects that have protected resources or enhanced the quality of life in the Upper Delaware River Valley. There will also be special greetings and a souvenir item offered to commemorate the 25-year milestone.
The public is welcome. Please contact the Upper Delaware Council at P.O. Box 192, 211 Bridge St., Narrowsburg, NY 12764; phone Cindy Odell at (845) 252-3022; e-mail or download a reservation form at
Those who are unable to attend but would like to support the non-profit UDC’s river conservation efforts and help offset costs of this banquet are encouraged to become sponsors at $25.
Sponsors will be recognized in the banquet program and in the UDC’s Fall/Winter 2013 newsletter issue, “The Upper Delaware”. Please submit a $25 donation by check payable to “UDC” or cash by April 19.