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Reserve for UDC Awards by Apr. 15
NARROWSBURG – Reservations for the Upper Delaware Council’s (UDC) 22nd Annual Awards Ceremony are being accepted through April 15. The event is open to the public.
The banquet will be held on Sunday, April 25, at The Eldred Preserve Outdoor Resort, 1040 Rt. 55, Eldred, NY. A reception with hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar will begin at 3 p.m. A buffet dinner featuring roast beef, turkey, vegetable lasagna, accompaniments, and dessert will be served at 4.
New York State Assemblywoman Aileen M. Gunther (98th District) will deliver the keynote address prior to the presentation of awards. The complete list of honorees is available at
Tickets are $26 per person. Contact UDC Public Relations Specialist Laurie Ramie at P.O. Box 192, 211 Bridge St., Narrowsburg, NY 12764;
phone (845) 252-3022