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Upper Delaware River t-shirts and Big Eddy Narrows Posters Benefit UDC
NARROWSBURG – T-shirts featuring a map of the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River Valley in New York & Pennsylvania and the Upper Delaware Council’s (UDC) Land-Water-People partnership logo offer an attractive, affordable gift for river enthusiasts during the holiday…
UDC to Host National Park Service Submerged Resources Center River Survey Program Dec. 5
UDC to Host National Park Service Submerged Resources Center River Survey Program Dec. 5 NARROWSBURG — The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) will host a public presentation, “The National Park Service Submerged Resources Center and its Recent Survey along the…
DRBC Calls Drought Hearing for the Delaware River Basin
Urges Efficient Water Use and Public Cooperation With State-Issued Alerts WEST TRENTON, N.J. (November 6) – Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) Executive Director Steve Tambini today announced a special hearing to be held on November 19 at 1:30 p.m. for…
PennDOT Announces Virtual Public Meeting to Discuss Next Steps for the Skinners Falls Bridge on Route 1002 in Wayne County
Virtual public meeting to be held Nov. 14 at 2:00 PM Dunmore, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announced today that it will host a public meeting to provide an update on the Skinners Falls Bridge on Thursday,…
UDC to Host Nov. 7 Talk on Proposed Lackawaxen River National Designation
NARROWSBURG — The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) will host a public presentation on “Seeking National Wild and Scenic River Designation for the Lackawaxen River” on Thursday, November 7, at 7 p.m. at the Upper Delaware Council office, 211 Bridge St.,…
UDC Awards Technical Assistance Grants for Tusten, Deerpark, and Berlin Projects
NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) approved $13,000 in Fiscal Year 2025 Technical Assistance Grants (TAG), bringing the cumulative amount awarded since 1988 to $959,463 to fund 267 municipal projects in the Upper Delaware River Valley. The UDC’s fiscal…
Towns Complete River & Shoreline Clean-ups
NARROWSBURG – Since initiating its River & Shoreline Clean-up Grants program in 2014, the Upper Delaware Council (UDC) has awarded $51,923.72 to member municipalities to help keep the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River and its banks pristine. In 2024,…
Sign Up for Upper Delaware Council’s Free Monthly E-Newsletter
NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) has debuted a free monthly e-newsletter to offer quick links to the non-profit organization’s latest information, river valley announcements, meeting minutes, and more. The e-newsletter will be sent on or near the 1st…
PennDOT Announces Calkins Creek Bridge Replacement
State Route 1004, Section 671 Superstructure Replacement U.S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966, Section 4(f) De Minimis Use Finding Pennsylvania Act 120, Section 2002 No Adverse Effects Finding Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River Corridor Scope of Work The…
Upper Delaware Council Presents 36th Annual River Valley Awards
RIVER VALLEY AWARDS: Honorees at the 36th Annual River Valley Awards hosted by the Upper Delaware Council on September 22, 2024 at Central House Family Resort in Beach Lake, PA included, seated in front: Beverly Sterner (Special Recognition – Upper…