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UDC Will Host “Orange County’s Last Remaining Wilderness” Presentation Jan. 4
NARROWSBURG — The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) will host a presentation on “Save Orange County’s Last Remaining Wilderness” by Orange County Land Trust (OCLT) Director of Conservation Kyle Sanduski on Thursday, January 4.
The virtual presentation will take place at the 7 p.m. meeting to be held at the UDC office, 211 Bridge St., Narrowsburg, NY and by Zoom that will also include the Council’s election of 2024 officers by ballot vote.
In his talk, Sanduski will describe OCLT’s 2024 launch of an ambitious, multi-year land conservation initiative within the Delaware River Watershed to prioritize an area dubbed as “Orange County’s Last Remaining Wilderness” which comprises 35,000 acres of privately-owned, unprotected land.
The campaign’s goal is to help maintain the quality of the Mongaup, Basher Kill, and Neversink Rivers, as well as the Port Jervis Watershed, by partnering with willing landowners on conservation easements.
OCLT is also seeking like-minded organizations to sign on as supporting organizations.
Sanduski will discuss Orange County Land Trust’s active projects in the area and describe upcoming efforts, while also taking questions.
The Orange County Land Trust is dedicated to the protection of watersheds, habitats, and working farms that sustain communities now and for future generations.
To date, OCLT has helped protect over 6,500 acres of crucial landscapes through conservation agreements which provide the tool for conserving natural resources while keeping the land on the tax rolls and in private stewardship.
The UDC’s monthly meeting to follow will include status reports from the Delaware River Basin Commission, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, National Park Service, and the UDC Executive Director; discussion of old and new business; and public comment.
All UDC meetings are open to the public. For further information on how to participate via a Zoom option, call (845) 252-3022 or email
Please check or UDC social media pages for any meeting updates.