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Upper Delaware Council Finalizes 2018 Technical Assistance Grants
NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) approved a $5,583.33 payment to Damascus Township on Dec. 18 as the final reimbursement award in the non-profit organization’s Fiscal Year 2018 Technical Assistance Grants (TAG) program.
Damascus Township, PA had been granted an extension to the end of the year to complete its draft portion of the East Central Wayne County Comprehensive Plan Update.
The township worked with a Comprehensive Plan Committee including representatives from the Damascus, Manchester, and Oregon Boards of Supervisors and Planning Commissions, facilitated by consultant Carson Helfrich of Community Management & Planning, LLC.
The townships had jointly adopted their most recent plan in 2008. Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (PMPC) requires local municipalities to review their comprehensive plans at least every 10 years.
The new draft plan currently undergoing review includes chapters on general county characteristics; opportunities and challenges; goals and actions; land use, natural resource conservation and environmental protection; transportation; community facilities and services; and housing.
In addition to receiving the UDC grant toward member township Damascus’s portion, the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development’s Shared Municipal Services program contributed funding to the project.
On August 28, the Town of Tusten, NY had been awarded a $6,000 payment by the UDC after successfully completing its phase II project to Codify Local Laws and Ordinances.
Codification is the collection, organizing, and arranging of all municipal ordinances into a numbered and stylized document that is searchable and provides easier access to records.
The Town of Tusten entered into a contract with General Code to perform the work.
The Technical Assistance Grants program is open to the UDC’s eight member New York towns, five Pennsylvania townships, and their encompassing five river corridor counties.
Buckingham and Manchester Townships in Wayne County, PA would be eligible to receive this member benefit if they joined the UDC.
Work is underway on four TAG projects by Shohola Township, Town of Tusten, Town of Lumberland, and Berlin Township that the UDC awarded on Oct. 4, 2018 in its Fiscal Year 2019 round. The deadline for their completion is August 30, 2019.
Since the UDC was established in 1988, the organization has awarded approximately $868,575 to fund 253 local non-construction projects that support the goals and objectives of the River Management Plan for the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River.
Visit the Grants page at for more information, including a directory of projects, program guidelines, and forms. Please contact UDC Resource Specialist Pete Golod at (845) 252-3022 or with any questions.