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UDC Technical Assistance Grant Applications Due by August 30 for Fiscal Year 2020
NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) announces the opening of its Fiscal Year 2020 Technical Assistance Grants (TAG) program. Applications from the UDC’s member municipalities will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, August 30.
Since 1988, the UDC has awarded $868,575 in competitive grants for 253 projects related to the implementation of the Final 1986 River Management Plan for the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River.
Priority will be given to applications that involve the preparation or revision of relevant laws, plans, and ordinances to substantially conform with the Upper Delaware enabling legislation, the River Management Plan, and the Land and Water Use Guidelines.
Projects that support land use planning, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) planning, zoning ordinances and revisions, codification of local laws, and updates of comprehensive and master plans are emphasized for solicitation.
Additionally, the River Management Plan addresses river recreation, resource management, natural and cultural resources, fish and wildlife, unique land resources, threatened and endangered species, economic development and tourism, and pollution control and abatement.
Project that support education, interpretation, documentation, resource protection, stewardship, and economic needs as identified by UDC member communities will be considered.
Applicants must define how the project meets specific goals and objectives of the River Management Plan to potentially qualify for this financial assistance, which the UDC not-for-profit organization apportions from its annual operational funding provided through a Cooperative Agreement with the National Park Service.
A special meeting of the UDC’s Project Review Committee will take place on Tuesday, September 10, at 6:30 p.m. at the Council’s office at 211 Bridge St. in Narrowsburg to meet with a representative for each applicant and ask questions about their proposals.
Approval of grant awards is expected at the Thursday, October 3, monthly UDC meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m. at the UDC office.
The UDC will issue TAG contracts for Fiscal Year 2020 (Oct. 1, 2019-Sept. 30, 2020) following review of its recommended grants by the National Park Service Northeast Region Contracting Office for the proposed use of federal funds, at which time work can commence.
Mid-term Progress Reports by successful grantees will be due by February 28, 2020.
The deadline for municipalities to complete their projects and submit documentation for reimbursement upon the UDC’s determination of contract satisfaction is August 28, 2020.
Eligible to compete in the TAG program are the UDC’s eight New York town members (Hancock, Fremont, Delaware, Cochecton, Tusten, Highland, Lumberland, and Deerpark), five Pennsylvania township members (Damascus, Berlin, Lackawaxen, Shohola, and Westfall), and their encompassing counties (Delaware, Sullivan, Orange, Wayne and Pike). Buckingham and Manchester Townships in Wayne County, PA could also apply if they joined the Council.
Municipalities can hire subcontractors. No funding match is required. Technical Assistance Grants do not cover land acquisition, construction, or capital improvements.
To view and download grant program guidelines, forms, contract criteria, and a directory of past funded projects, visit the UDC’s website at
Please contact UDC Resource Specialist Pete Golod at (845) 252-3022 or for more information.