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UDC State Grant Helps Town of Delaware Furnish New Town Hall

NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) presented a check for $8,125 to the Town of Delaware on November 27 representing its share of a $75,000 Community Projects State Grant funding program that Senator John J. Bonacic secured for the UDC’s eight New York State member towns in the FY 2008-2009 budget.

Following construction of a new Town Hall in early 2009, the former Town Hall building located at 104 Main Street in Hortonville, NY was renovated to house the Town of Delaware Justice Court. This grant enabled the town to furnish the additional spaces created by the construction and renovation.

Specific tasks included purchasing two 30 x 60-inch fire proof safes for storage of vital records and town documents, a conference table, four conference chairs, two guest chairs, two desks, a secretarial chair, an executive chair, six padded folding chairs, a three-shelf bookcase, a five-drawer file cabinet, a three-seat sofa for the reception area, and a carpet mat.

Vendors were Delaware Valley Farm & Garden Center, Callicoon, NY; Kristt Company Monticello, NY; and Consolidated Plastics Company, Stow, OH. The town expended a total of $8,162.43 from June to November 2009.

The goal of the project was to provide a comfortable, confidential, and handicapped-accessible work environment for the town’s employees a nd visitors from the general public.

From FY 2000 through this grant round, Senator Bonacic has secured $365,000 for Upper Delaware River Valley town projects that promote tourism, improve town-owned facilities, or enhance river access through contracts administered by the UDC and the New York State Department of Economic Development.


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