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UDC Issues FY 2011 Annual Report
NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council, Inc. (UDC) announces the on-line availability of its “Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2011” at the non-profit organization’s website at
The 10-page report covers the federal fiscal year of October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011.
It includes a description of the UDC’s mission and management structure, provides the membership roster as of Sept. 30, 2011, and lists activity highlights for the UDC, as well as significant developments that occurred in the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River Valley, on a monthly basis for the report period.
The Council posts the document online to save on printing and distribution costs. To access the direct link, visit the Publications page. To request a printed copy, please call (845) 252-3022 or e-mail UDC Secretary Cindy Odell at