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UDC Conducts Project Review Survey
Survey Responses Due by Nov. 23
Stakeholder Sessions Set Nov. 24
NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) is reaching out to its member towns and townships for guidance in its initiative to streamline the procedures for reviewing land use projects and ordinance changes that occur within the Congressionally-designated Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River corridor.
A survey directed to town and township supervisors, planning and zoning boards and commissions, and local code enforcement officers has been sent. Responses to the short questionnaire posted on-line at are requested by November 23.
On Tuesday, November 24, from 1-5 p.m., stakeholder sessions geared particularly toward those with project application responsibilities in their communities will take place in an open house format at the UDC office located at 211 Bridge St. in Narrowsburg, NY.
The UDC is working with Environmental Planning & Design, LLC (EPD) of Pittsburgh to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of its project review procedures.
Through its Cooperative Agreement with the National Park Service, the UDC is responsible for conducting reviews of all relevant local plans; laws; ordinances; ordinance amendments, challenges and variances; and significant projects to recommend a determination of whether these actions substantially conform to the Land and Water Use Guidelines and River Management Plan.
These reviews, aimed at providing advisory comments to help conserve the shared resources of the river corridor, apply to the eight New York State towns (Hancock, Fremont, Delaware, Cochecton, Tusten, Highland, Lumberland, and Deerpark) and five Pennsylvania townships (Damascus, Berlin, Lackawaxen, Shohola, and Westfall) that voluntarily participate as Council members.
In the two currently non-participating but eligible to join PA townships of Buckingham and Manchester, the National Park Service provides direct oversight.
The procedures and checklists to perform reviews of projects and substantial conformance are outlined in the UDC’s Project Review Workbook which was adopted in 1988.
The intent of this analysis is to evaluate how that guiding document is being used by the communities which are responsible for submitting their eligible projects to the UDC, or conversely, to provide insight into why it is not being consulted.
Based on this feedback and recommendations from its consultant, the UDC intends to implement a clearly defined, consistently applied set of project review procedures to facilitate the Workbook’s use and functionality.
To receive an e-mailed or hard copy of the survey, please contact UDC Resource Specialist Travis O’Dell at (845) 252-3022 or
Those who would like to provide separate or additional input in person about the UDC’s project review procedures are encouraged to drop by the UDC office on Nov. 24 anytime between 1-5 p.m. to meet with EPD Managing Principal Andrew J.G. Schwartz, who will also attend that evening’s UDC Project Review Committee monthly meeting at 6:30 p.m. which is open to the public.
While no specific time reservations are necessary for the afternoon stakeholder sessions, please advise UDC Secretary Cindy Odell of your intentions at 252-3022 or for meeting space preparations.
For more information on the non-profit organization and its activities, please visit the UDC’s re-designed website at