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UDC Committee Seeks Interest in Advisory Memberships by June 12
NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council, Inc. (UDC) is reaching out to individuals who can offer expert insight on water use and resource management issues of relevance to the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River Valley.
A program of non-voting, advisory memberships on the UDC’s Water Use/Resource Management (WU/RM) Committee is being reactivated.
WU/RM Committee Chairperson Tony Ritter invites interested people to submit a letter by 5 p.m. on June 12 describing one’s technical subject area and any organization affiliation to the Upper Delaware Council, P.O. Box 192, 211 Bridge St., Narrowsburg, NY 12764; fax (845) 252-3359; or e-mail
Regular attendance at the WU/RM Committee’s meetings held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the UDC office in Narrowsburg, NY is not required.
Approved advisory members’ names and specialties will be maintained on a committee list to be contacted when special issues arise for which they could provide guidance. They will receive advance agendas when possible and the minutes from each WU/RM meeting to stay current on the committee’s actions and discussions. For more information, please call (845) 252-3022.