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Sojourn Launches in Upper Delaware June 20, Register Early for Savings
BARRYVILLE – The 16th Annual Delaware River Sojourn will kickoff its week-long paddling, learning, and camping adventure on June 20 with three days of canoeing and kayaking on the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River.
People of all experience levels are welcome to join the guided trip for one day or more. Advance registration by June 4 is $60 per day for ages 16 and above, and $40 for ages 15 and under, or $10 more after June 4. There is a one-time insurance fee of $5 per person, with the exception of current American Canoe Association members.
Registration covers boat rentals if needed, shuttle transportation, interpretive programs, designated meals, and optional overnight camping.
Each participant will receive a commemorative T-shirt touting the 2010 Delaware River Sojourn theme, “Bridging the Delaware Valley – Connecting Communities.” Representatives from the Upper Delaware Council, National Park Service (NPS) Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River, National Canoe Safety Patrol, and Upper Delaware Preservation Coalition have planned the itinerary for Sojourn Days 1-3.
Sunday, June 20 (Father’s Day) – Registration and campsites set-up at Kittatinny Canoes’ Barryville Campground starts at 10 a.m. A kick-off lunch catered by Il Castello Pizzeria & Ristorante of Barryville and welcome ceremony will take place at noon at the campground pavilion.
Sojourners will be shuttled north to the Ten Mile River Access for a safety briefing and launch of the day’s eight-mile trip. An afternoon program will visit the “NPS Towpath Trail” in Minisink Ford, NY for a short hike before the approximately 6 p.m. take-out in Barryville.
A chicken barbecue dinner will be offered at 7:30 p.m. in camp, followed by a NPS presentation on “Roebling’s Delaware Aqueduct” at the pavilion.