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Sign Up for Upper Delaware Council’s Free Monthly E-Newsletter

NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) has debuted a free monthly e-newsletter to offer quick links to the non-profit organization’s latest information, river valley announcements, meeting minutes, and more.

The e-newsletter will be sent on or near the 1st Monday of each month to all who would like to receive it.

Send email addresses to to join the list. Recipients may easily unsubscribe at any time and collected addresses will only be used for this purpose.

The emailed content features links to news releases, photos, and documents from the UDC and partner agencies that impact the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River valley.

The Council continues to publish its comprehensive 12-page newsletter, “The Upper Delaware”, tri-annually in Fall/Winter (December), Spring (April), and Summer (August), available since its 1988 inception as a free printed mail subscription as well as being posted electronically on the UDC website.

To learn more about the UDC and its activities, visit, or follow Upper Delaware Council on Facebook, Instagram @upperdelawarecouncil, and X @UpperDelCouncil.


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