If you believe in the value of the Upper Delaware River region and want to see it receive dedicated investment from New York State for conservation and watershed protection in the future, demonstrate your support for the Alliance for the Upper Delaware River Watershed and sign our petition today. Thank you for your consideration.
About one-fifth of the Delaware River Watershed lies within New York State, mostly in Delaware and Sullivan counties, and small portions of Broome, Orange and Ulster counties. Approximately 50% of the daily water supply needs of New York City and surrounding counties comes from three large reservoirs located in the upper Delaware River watershed. While NYC invests significantly to protect water quality in its reservoirs, the “tailwaters” region just below the reservoirs has historically been overlooked and underfunded.
New York’s Upper Delaware River tailwaters below the NYC dams is one of New York State’s outdoor recreational gems. From paddling to hiking to fishing to hunting, this region of the state relies heavily on ecotourism to support its local economies. These industries also contribute to the state’s economy, generating $3.5 billion annually.
While the Upper Delaware River watershed is relatively healthy and clean, there are increasing threats to this ecosystem, including accelerated erosion and sedimentation of local streams, development pressures, climate change, invasive species, and flooding. Despite the ecological value of this region, it receives little attention from the state in terms of investments in watershed restoration and protection.
If you believe in the value of this region and want to see it receive dedicated investment from the State for conservation and watershed protection in the future, demonstrate your support for the Alliance for the Upper Delaware River Watershed and sign our petition today.
Organized by:
New York League of Conservation Voters
Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed
Friends of the Upper Delaware River
Upper Delaware Council