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Ariel view of Shohola Township Building Roof

PA Grant through UDC Helps Shohola Township Replace Roof

Shohola Township allocated a $15,000 share of the Upper Delaware Council’s Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development grant toward replacing the roof of the Township Building at 159 Twin Lakes Road in Shohola. (Contributed Photo)

NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) contributed $15,000 toward replacing the Shohola Township Building’s deteriorated roof to help offset taxpayer costs while protecting the structure and its contents.

The funding came out of the $100,000 “Townships, Technology & Sustainability” grant that Pennsylvania Representatives Jonathan Fritz (111th District), Rep. Mike Peifer (139th District), and Senator Lisa Baker (20th District) secured for the UDC in 2019.

The PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) is administering the grant contract that runs through December 31, 2021.
The Shohola Township Board of Supervisors accepted a bid of $32,300 from Summit Exteriors of Milford, PA on September 10 to remove the existing shingles, inspect all plywood, install 30-year high-performance architectural shingles, gutters, new copper chimney flashing, ice and water shields, pipes and vents. There was an additional $3,300 charge for labor and materials to remove and replace 30 sheets of plywood.

The UDC reimbursed the township for the expense on October 19.

Shohola Township is the second of the Council’s five PA local government members to complete their grant-funded work based on the UDC’s approval of community need proposals.

The UDC on June 23 reimbursed Westfall Township $12,123.09 to resurface and pave its Township Building parking lot in Matamoras to accommodate the relocation of the Eastern Pike Regional Police Department and improve the property.
Damascus, Berlin, and Lackawaxen project completions are pending.


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