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PA Bureau of Forestry Director to Speak at UDC Awards April 26
BEACH LAKE – Daniel A. Devlin, the Pennsylvania State Forester and Director of the Bureau of Forestry, will serve as keynote speaker at the Upper Delaware Council’s (UDC) 27th Annual Awards Ceremony on April 26 at Central House Family Resort in Beach Lake, PA.
As Director of the Bureau of Forestry, Devlin has oversight responsibility for the management of 2.2 million acres of State Forest lands; forest fire management across the Commonwealth; forest insect & disease control and management; conservation of Pennsylvania’s native wild plants including the PA Natural Diversity Inventory; and promoting the conservation of all Pennsylvania’s forest land, both public and private.
Devlin previously worked as a Reservation Forest Manager for the USDI Bureau of Indian Affairs and as an Assistant State Forester and staff wildlife biologist for the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
He received a B.S. in Forest Science and a M.S. in Wildlife Management from the Pennsylvania State University.
The UDC’s April 26 banquet at 81 Milanville Road will begin at 3 p.m. with a reception offering appetizers and a cash bar. A buffet dinner will be served at 4 p.m.
Director Devlin will deliver his address at 5 p.m., immediately followed by the presentation of awards to those who have acted to enhance or protect the resources of the Upper Delaware River Valley.
The event is open to the public. Tickets are $26. Advance reservations are required by Friday, April 17.
Please call (845) 252-3022, e-mail, or stop by the UDC office at 211 Bridge St., Narrowsburg, NY 12764.