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Narrowsburg Bridge Rehabilitation Subject of July 29 Public Meeting

NARROWSBURG – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) will brief the public about rehabilitation plans for the Narrowsburg Bridge at a July 29 meeting to be held at 6 p.m. at the Tusten Town Hall community room.

“The Upper Delaware Council appreciates PennDOT’s responsiveness to fulfilling the regional calls by
citizens, businesses, and emergency service providers for a forum to provide an update on the design and
schedule for major repairs to this important Delaware River interstate crossing,” said UDC Executive Director
Laurie Ramie.

Traffic on the bridge has been restricted to one lane with controlled signals since 2013 after an earlier
inspection found that 32% of the open grid deck was in a state of “advanced deterioration”.

At the last public meeting held Sept. 18, 2014, PennDOT estimated that bids for the approximately $10 million worth of rehabilitation work would be solicited in the Fall of 2016, with construction taking place from Spring 2017 to Fall 2018.

PennDOT will offer an audiovisual presentation at 6 p.m. at the municipal building located at 210 Bridge St. in Narrowsburg, followed by a question and answer session with agency staff and contractors from AECOM Technical Services, Inc. and Dewberry Engineers, Inc.

Anyone unable to attend the meeting may submit written comments to Susan Williams, Senior Civil Engineering Supervisor-Transportation, at PennDOT, Engineering District 4-0, 55 Keystone Industrial Park, Dunmore, PA 18512.


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