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Microplastics Study by DRBC: Virtual Presentation at Jan. 6 UDC Meeting
NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) will host a virtual presentation on a recently completed “Microplastics Study” by Jake Bransky, Aquatic Biologist at the Delaware River Basin Commission on Thursday, January 6, at 7 p.m. All are welcome to (virtually) attend! Email for more information and instructions on how to view the presentation.
The talk will kick off the monthly meeting of the UDC’s full council. The monthly meeting to follow will include the election results of UDC officers for 2022; a synopsis of minutes from the three standing Council committees; potential status reports from the Delaware River Basin Commission, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, National Park Service, and the UDC Executive Director; discussion of old and new business; and public comment.
All UDC committee meetings are open to the public. Zoom or call-in options will be offered. For further information, call the UDC office at (845) 252-3022 or visit