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Lumberland, Deerpark Complete Projects under UDC State Grant
NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) presented two checks in the amount of $3,090.50 each to the Towns of Lumberland and Deerpark on April 5 representing their shares of a $25,000 Aid to Localities funding program that Senator John J. Bonacic secured for the UDC’s eight New York State member towns in the FY 2009-2010 budget.
The Town of Lumberland used its funding to structurally restore the support posts at the Town of Lumberland Pavilion on Proctor Road in Glen Spey. NGS Construction of Eldred, NY replaced 14 columns on concrete slabs at a total cost of $5,650.
The Town of Deerpark redesigned and updated its official website, adding information on meetings, upcoming events, contacts, and links; highlighting municipal history and points of interest; and creating an e-mail listserv function. Noel Malsberg of Deepwood Studio in Cuddebackville, NY designed and maintains the site at
The UDC submitted its Grant TM09050 draft agreement to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation’s Contract and Grant Development Unit on June 2, 2010 and received its executed contract on March 30, 2011.
While each town was originally eligible to receive $3,125, New York State opted to reduce all grant payments made between Sept. 16, 2010 and March 31, 2011 by 1.1% as a stop-gap budget measure. From FY 2000 through this grant round, Senator Bonacic has secured $390,000 for Upper Delaware River Valley town projects that promote tourism, improve town-owned facilities, or enhance river access through contracts administered by the UDC.