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June 2 National Trails Day
Celebrate National Trails Day with Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River
Beach Lake, PA – On Saturday, June 2, Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River will celebrate National Trails Day in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the National Trails System Act and the 50th anniversary of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. Join us to clean up and maintain the historic Delaware & Hudson Towpath Trail in Minisink Ford, NY between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to enjoy scenic views of the Delaware River and the historic Roebling’s Delaware Aqueduct while making a difference for future hikers and learning about an exceptional Upper Delaware resource.
The goal of National Trails Day is to connect more people to trails and keep our nation’s trails beautiful and clean. Projects for the day will include a litter and debris pluck, removal of non-native invasive plant species, and the pruning of small shrubs.
Volunteers should bring appropriate gear, such as a change of clothes, close-toed shoes, a hat, sunscreen, bug spray, water, and a bagged lunch. Volunteers should plan to get dirty and should be comfortable removing tall weeds and associated debris. Gloves, pruners, and safety goggles will be provided, though you may bring your own if you prefer.
The National Trails Day project at Upper Delaware will begin with registration and reception from 9:00-9:30 am at the New York parking lot of the Roebling Bridge in Minisink Ford, NY. At 9:30 am, groups will be assigned and will move to designated work locations. The event will conclude by 2:00 pm.
The National Park Service relies on volunteers to achieve its goal of stewardship, and appreciates the hard work and commitment of volunteers who have helped keep the Delaware River and its trails clean and beautiful. We look forward to seeing you at our National Trails Day Celebration!
For information on this volunteer event or to register, please call Susie Kaspar at (570) 685-4871 x 6610 or send an email to For additional information about Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River, visit our website at