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Help Plan April 22-25 Upper Delaware Clean-up at March 4 Planning Sessions
Help Plan Upper Delaware Clean-up March 4th
NARROWSBURG – Two planning sessions to organize the first-ever, coordinated litter cleanup event centered on land surrounding the bi-state Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River will take place on Wednesday, March 4, at 3 p.m. or 6 p.m., at the 211 Bridge Street office of the Upper Delaware Council (UDC) in Narrowsburg, NY.
Individuals, activists, organizations, agencies, businesses, artists, and educators are invited to pitch in to help plan the clean-up that will take place starting April 22, and leading up to the April 25th celebration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
Opportunities to contribute to the Upper Delaware Watershed Litter Clean-up include:
- Attending the March 4th meeting to share tips, resources, and insights from existing litter clean-up initiatives in the region;
- Volunteering to serve as local community organizers among the 15 NY towns and PA townships to make this event as fun, safe, effective, and efficient as possible;
- Notifying the UDC of which stretches of roads and waterways you will choose to clean up during the April 22-25 dates, with materials and collection sites to be provided;
- Offering donations of monetary sponsorships, goods, services, promotion, and ideas for coordinating litter-related artistic and educational outreach projects.
A questionnaire to indicate interest in the planning sessions and overall event is available. Upper Delaware Litter Cleanup website
Please contact the UDC’s cleanup project coordinator Dan Paparella, founder of the Upper Delaware Recreation Project, at or (570) 468-3904 with any questions.
Photo caption: Dan Paparella, coordinator, Upper Delaware Litter Clean-up