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Free Upper Delaware Newsletter Available
NARROWSBURG – The Spring 2008 issue of “The Upper Delaware”, featuring articles entitled,
“Natural Gas Drilling a Hot Topic”, “NYRI Files Alternate Routes for Power Line”, “Upper Delaware Council
Marks 20th Anniversary”, and “Assemblyman Crouch Keynote Speaker at UDC Awards April 27”, among other subjects, is now available.
“The Upper Delaware,” a quarterly newsletter about the environment and people of the Upper Delaware
River Valley in New York and Pennsylvania, has been published by the Upper Delaware Council continuously since 1988.
New subscribers are always welcome, particularly recent full-time or seasonal river valley residents, and
visitors to the region.
The eight-page newsletter highlights local issues, activities, projects, and interesting individuals. It is
delivered by mail in mid-January (Winter), mid-April (Spring), mid-July (Summer), and mid-October (Fall).