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Delaware River Sojourn Early Bird Pricing Extended Until June 18
WEST TRENTON, N.J. (June 8) – Interested paddlers are reminded that it is not too late to register for the 16th annual Delaware River Sojourn, which willbe held from Sunday, June 20 through Saturday, June 26. Furthermore, early bird registration savings of $10/day has been extended for individuals registering by noon on June 18.
The Delaware Sojourn is a guided paddling, learning, and camping adventure on and along the wild and scenic Delaware River. Participants may sign up for the entire seven-day trip or for the day(s) of their choice. Split into daily trips ranging from six to thirteen miles, over 60 miles of the main stem Delaware River will be paddled, giving sojourners a full experience of the river and its environs. From the pristine wilds of the upper section, to the tranquility of the lower non-tidal region, to the urban setting of the tidewaters, the Sojourn has something to offer paddlers of all skill levels.
This year’s theme of Bridging the Delaware Valley – Connecting Communities was chosen not only to highlight the region’s river crossings, but also the broader concept of connection – the human connection across the river, to the river, and to our environment as a whole. Many of the bridges over the Delaware River are historically significant or structurally unique; noteworthy ones to be paddled under include John A. Roebling’s Delaware Aqueduct, the Lumberville-Raven Rock Pedestrian Bridge, and the Walt Whitman Bridge in Philadelphia.
Educational programming will also focus on water quality, canal history, current environmental issues, and how communities can and are helping protect the river for future generations. Feature programs include presentations by authors Steven Richman (Bridges of New Jersey) and Mary Shafer (Devastation on the Delaware), visits to the Zane Grey Museum
and Taylor Wildlife Preserve, and an ending celebration at Camden’s Wiggins Marina.
The cost for Sojourners who register by noon on June 18 is $60 per day for participants 16 and older and $40 per day for ages 15 and under. An additional one-time $5 per person insurance fee will be charged to non-members of the American Canoe Association, which sanctions the event. Registration fees cover the guided river trip, canoe or kayak rental, shuttle
transportation, educational programs, most meals, a souvenir T-shirt, and optional overnight camping sites. Add $10 to the rates for registrations made after noon on June 18.
Additional information, including registration details, daily plans, event guidelines, further discount opportunities, and more, is available on the sojourn web site Individuals can register online with PayPal until two days prior to the day they wish to paddle or they can mail in the downloadable registration form with payment; mail-in registrations must be received by June 18. A limited number of “walk-in” registrants will be accepted on the morning of each sojourn day, provided that space is still available on the trip.
Registration-related questions and discount availability inquiries may be directed to Dejay Branch, Upper Delaware Preservation Coalition, at (646) 205-2724 or
The Delaware River Sojourn would like to thank the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission for participating in the 2010 Sojourn as part of the agency’s commemoration of its 75th Year Anniversary. The Delaware River Sojourn aims to promote stewardship of the Delaware River watershed and its resources. The non-profit, annual event is organized by a steering committee comprised of representatives from federal, state, and local agencies, non-profit organizations, and individual volunteers. This year’s committee is co-chaired by Sarah Berg of Pennsylvania’s Delaware Canal State Park and Kate O’Hara of the Delaware River Basin Commission.