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National Park Service & Partner News
Celebrate 4th of July Weekend on 100 Mile Paddle
Caption: Centennial River Ambassador Bob Hare, Co-ambassadors Jeff and Linda Dexter, members of NCSP and park staff on the second leg of the 100 Mile paddle from Long Eddy, NY to Lordville, NY on Saturday, June 11th. (Photo Credit National…
UDSRR Hosts ‘Yoga By The River”
Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River Hosts ‘Yoga By The River’ Caption: Join park rangers from Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River for ‘Yoga By The River’. The sessions are FREE and open to the public! Join us for FREE…
Watershed Stewards Training June 16
Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River Seeks Volunteers to be Watershed Stewards Caption: Watershed Stewards Lenore Weisse and Leatrice Langer talking to boaters at the Lackawaxen Access. BEACH LAKE, PA – If you are someone who enjoys spending time outdoors,…
Launch of “100 Mile Paddle” on the Delaware River
BEACH LAKE, PA – The National Park Service is celebrating its 100th birthday by inviting the public to paddle 100 miles on the Delaware River with us this summer. The “100 Mile Paddle” will be a series of ranger-led guided…
UDSRR to Celebrate American Shad & World Fish Migration Day May 21st
Caption: American shad (Alosa sapidissima) Robert S. Michelson, Photography By Michelson, Inc. Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River to celebrate American shad and World Fish Migration Day on May 21st An ancient and impressive wildlife migration is occurring in our…
U.D.S.R.R. Hosts HAM Radio Operator Event
Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River Hosts HAM Radio Operator Event. Come see what amateur radio operation is all about at Upper Delaware S&RR during National Park Week. Caption: A young visitor learning how to operate a HAM radio. BEACH…
“Wear It!” Lawn Signs Promote Water Safety
Release date: April 1, 2016 Contact(s): Ingrid Peterec, Chief of Interpretation; (570) 685-4871 ext. 6605 BEACH LAKE, PA – With this year’s boating season right around the corner, now is the time to dust off your “Wear It!”…
2016 Centennial Photo Contest Begins
Release date: February 26, 2016 Contact(s): Ingrid Peterec, Chief of Interpretation; (570) 685-4871 ext. 6605 BEACH LAKE, PA – Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River provides amazing opportunities for photographers to capture the scenic beauty, plant and wildlife communities,…
2015 Photo Contest Winners Announced
Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River Announces Winners of the 2015 Photo Contest Photo Caption: Capturing first place in the scenic category was the photograph submitted by Kurt Kreider of Barryville, NY which beautifully illustrates why people come to visit…
People’s Choice- Vote for your Favorite Upper Delaware Photo Vote for your Favorite Photo in Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River’s 2015 Photo Contest