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Town of Cochecton Receives UDC State Grant for Salt Shed

NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) presented a check for $8,125 to the Town of Cochecton on Dec. 12 representing its share of a $75,000 Community Projects State Grant funding program that Senator John J. Bonacic secured for the UDC’s eight New York State member towns.

The grant enabled the Town of Cochecton to eliminate a potential source of ground pollution by constructing a new salt storage building on town-owned property in Cochecton, NY The Cochecton Town Board hired Werlau Enterprises of White Sulphur Springs, NY as the contractor to build the salt shed. Construction was completed on September 13, 2007.

This grant funding enabled the Town of Cochecton to offset the costs incurred for this new structure, which was designed to complement the existing Town Highway Garage. Its location and design will also prevent salt from leaching into a nearby wet area that could eventually make its way into the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River.

The town expended a total of $185,630.50 on this project.

The FY 2007-2008 grant funding, covering the contract period of September 1, 2007 to August 31, 2009, represents the fifth round of projects that promote tourism, improve town-owned facilities, or enhance river access in the Towns of Hancock, Fremont, Delaware, Cochecton, Tusten, Highland, Lumberland, and Deerpark.

Since FY 2000, Senator Bonacic has secured $290,000 for the eight river valley towns through contracts administered by the Upper Delaware Council and the New York State Department of Economic Development.


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