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Commission Approves Replacements and Repairs of Upper Delaware River Bridges

DUNMORE – The New York-Pennsylvania Joint Interstate Bridge Commission approved capital construction and maintenance plans for 10 Upper Delaware River bridges at its annual meeting held May 28 at Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) District 4-0 headquarters in Dunmore. Representatives…


UDC Accepting Applications for 2009 Technical Assistance Grants

NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) announces the opening of its 2009 Technical Assistance Grants (TAG) program. Applications from the UDC’s member municipalities will be accepted until the July 31 deadline. Since the non-profit organization’s inception in 1988, the…


Annual River Sojourn Kicks Off In Upper Delaware on June 21

NARROWSBURG – The 15th Annual Delaware River Sojourn will launch on June 21 with two days of paddling and programs organized by Upper Delaware representatives. This year’s theme for the week-long public canoe and kayak trip is “No One Left…


Town of Deerpark Receives UDC State Grant for Park

NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) presented a check for $8,125 to the Town of Deerpark on April 27 representing its share of a $75,000 Community Projects State Grant funding program that Senator John J. Bonacic secured for the…

group portrait

2009 UDC Award Honorees

RIVER VALLEY – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) honored those who have acted to enhance the quality of life and protect the resources of the Upper Delaware River Valley during its 21st Annual Awards Ceremony held on April 19 at…


UDC Hails NYRI Decision to Drop Power Line Application

NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) hails the April 3rd decision by New York Regional Interconnect, Inc. (NYRI) to withdraw its application to construct a High-Voltage, Direct-Current transmission line on a 190-mile path through eight New York State counties…


UDC Announces Honorees for Awards Ceremony on April 19

NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council, Inc. (UDC) will honor individuals, organizations, and projects that have enhanced the quality of life or protected the resources of the Upper Delaware River Valley at its 21st Annual Awards Ceremony on Sunday, April…


“The Upper Delaware” Spring/Summer Newsletter Available Online and by Mail

NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council, Inc. (UDC) announces the release of its free, 12- page, Spring/Summer 2009 “The Upper Delaware” newsletter Featured articles include: “Upper Delaware Marks 30 Years of Partnerships”; “UDC to Present Annual Awards April 19”; “NYRI…


Rep. Carney Aide Zygmunt to Speak at UDC’s Awards Ceremony April 19

BEACH LAKE – Congressman Christopher P. Carney’s field representative, Ed Zygmunt, will deliver the keynote address at the Upper Delaware Council’s 21st Annual Awards Ceremony on April 19 at Central House Family Resort in Beach Lake, PA. Zygmunt has aided…


UDC Announces Event Dates

NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council, Inc. (UDC) announces dates for three upcoming events which are all open to the public. On Sunday, April 19, the UDC will sponsor its 21st Annual Awards Ceremony at Central House Family Resort in…



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